Family & Wildlife Awards

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To everyone that was a part of making the 2018 Family & Wildlife awards banquet such a great success!
Amazing food, wonderful music & great company!

Thank you to Lloydminster & District Fish & Game Assiociation for allowing S.O.R.E Oilfield to be the sponsor for the Lady’s largest big game Typical Mule!
A big congratulations to Tobi Topp on the big mule & big win!

Thank you to the amazing duo of Mahoney who put on a spectacular performance that got the whole crowd grooving, even us at the S.O.R.E table!

Thank you to all those who donated the wonderful wild meat that fed us all! It was absolutely delicious!

And a huge thank you to the Lloydminster Exhabition grounds for hosting! We appreciate all that was done in preparation & take down of the big event!